Bipolar and Related Disorders

As a group, Bipolar and Related Disorders affects about 3% of US adults and between 0-3% of US adolescents. This is because due to the nature of this disease, it tends to develop after adolescence.

As a Psychiatrist, the duration of symptoms, severity of symptoms, and combination of symptoms help Dr. Randall to distinguish diagnoses within the Bipolar and Related Disorders class.

What Bipolar is notable for are periods of behavior and emotion that fluctuate between the two different “poles” of mania or hypomania and depression.

People suffering with a Bipolar or Related Disorders may experience increased energy with a decreased need for sleep, inflated self-esteem, periods of being more talkative than usual, and subjective feelings as though one’s thoughts were racing.

The treatments available for Bipolar and Related Disorders generally include prescription medications and benefit from combining with therapy, such as supportive therapy, or even group therapy.

Dr. Randall believes that each patient’s diagnosis is not a label, but rather a guide to their individual treatment. So, for each patient she works with, it is her goal to collaboratively develop the appropriate combination of treatments to best meet their individual needs and promote their recovery.